Tiny Coconut

I have things.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I can't just have a headache...

...It has to be a withdrawal symptom from Lexapro. Or maybe a reaction to one of the new supplements I've started taking--a B-vitamin complex for stress, a GABA complex to try to minimize any anxiety symptoms I might have. Or a brain tumor.

I can't just be annoyed at the kids' behavior because they are being truly difficult...It has to be manic irritability, a sign that the bipolar disorder I supposedly don't have is rearing its head. Or maybe, again, it's the result of my withdrawal from Lexapro (down to 10 mg every other day). Or maybe it's a reaction to one of the new supplements I've started taking--maybe instead of calming me, they're ramping me up. I've had weird reactions like that before, after all. Or it could be a brain tumor.

I can't just be in a pissy mood because work has been beyond chaotic and there are constantly fires to be put out...It has to be [insert any one of the above reasons for my headache or my kid-related annoyance]. It's probably a brain tumor.

God, it's tiring being a hypochondriac. There's so much to *think* about. It's enough to give you a headache...

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